Wendy Hutchison

Wendy Hutchison (Victoria, Australia)

The Space Between, 2023

inkjet print
16.95 x 26.3 inches

Images reconfigured from past work to connect to future possibilities are the continuum of my interest in playing with form and image to reach mysterious, synergistic connections and possibilities in their readings. My process is intuitive: sculpting in wire and netting, then photographing the 3D forms to digitally manipulate layers of color and light into a final inkjet print. My work refers to the ambiguous body, using forms that oscillate between a sensory perception of interior and exterior. While also using the illusion of fabric to suggest feminine materiality that is both soft and hard, transparent and opaque, concealing and revealing; curves and drapery sub-vert structure, order, or control. Netting facilitates glimpses of the body and layers of identity. I address negative space with ma, the Japanese intention of evoking stillness to connect forms yet allow contemplation within limitless space.

The possibility of fluidity over stasis.


UY – Lorne