Meaghan Shelton

Meaghan Shelton (Victoria, Australia)

Tail, 2021

collage, cyanotype, discarded paper offcuts, embroidery thread, watercolor, pigmented ink, gouache

29.5 x 23.625 inches

Tail draws on the evocation of memory within domestic spaces and considers how women artists use materials and methods of craft practices to connect to nature. The work untangles aspects of female experience enmeshed within historical marginalization, hierarchical valuing of materiality, and, therefore, the devaluation of art made by women. Among the unleashed forms floating in a fluid landscape, Tail’s subject matter summons a bricolage of nature, or the animal, and domesticity. In re-crafting connections between women and nature, the historical conflation of both women and nature as culture’s “others” is challenged.


UY – Lorne