Marsha Nouritza Odabashian

Marsha Nouritza Odabashian

(Massachusetts, USA)

Queen Zabel, 2022

Onionskin dye, onions and garlic skins, acrylic paint, yarn, upholstery tacks, Stonehenge paper

91.4 x 457.2 inches

Unconnected Yet implies that a bond might develop between disparate beings, objects, places, natural phenomena, sounds, and ideas or that existing bonds might come undone. For me, both cases prompt uncertainty, hope, dread, or satisfaction. My work discovers connections between the science of natural plant dyes and imagination to draw together elements in the composition and the subject. I connect the past, present, and future; the physically and geographically estranged; and perceptions of reality and the imaginary.

UY – Kolkata