Julie C. Baer

Julie C. Baer (Massachusetts, USA)

Black Chokeberry (Aronia Melanocarpa)

[Rewilding series], 2022

acrylic, wood panel

12 x 12 inches

My work reflects my close attention to the biota in my natural environment, wherever I am, and the seasonal trajectory of its life cycles: budding, blooming, fruiting, seeding, dying, renewal. The natural world is our collective home, family, heritage, and future, yet humans have caused irreparable habitat, resource, and species loss. Ecologists say native plant restoration is “nature’s best hope” for recreating biodiverse ecosystems that attract and support native pollinators and fauna. In my Rewilding series, I am painting (and planting) native plants, one species at a time. Collectively, this body reflects biodiversity, as my urban garden develops into a biodiverse ecosystem. Art can spark insight, stir hearts, and stimulate freshness and hope. I want my work to inspire viewers to care for themselves and their own biomes.

UY – Kolkata