Chrys Zantis

Chrys Zantis (Queensland, Australia)

Headdress 80/20, 2019

EEG (electroencephalography) cap, cardboard, acrylic, Copic markers, varnish, yarn, sequins, pearls, wire, plastic tubing, bike helmet, cotton, battery, fairy lights.

18 x 9 x 12 inches

Headdress 80/20 is a fusion of art and neuroscience, born from my co-creation with Associate Professor Marta Garrido and her team during my Artist in Residence tenure at the Melbourne School of Psychological Sciences. My headdress symbolizes the challenges faced by individuals with mental health disorders in daily life.  It merges anatomical elements of the brain and intricate haute couture details, externalizing the inner world of those with schizoaffective and anxious conditions, demonstrating the disconnect between internal experiences and external perceptions, transcending cultural boundaries. It began with broken EEG caps provided by Garrido and was inspired by observations during an fMRI experiment with Australian Budgerigars. Unexpected connections emerged: MEG met Alexander McQueen, and photography intertwined with wearable art.


UY – Lorne